Air Europa Check-in

Does Air Europa have online check-in (on-line boarding)?

Yes, you can check-in online between 48 hours and 1 hour before departure for the following flights:

  • From Spain
  • From Europe
  • From Dakar to Madrid
  • From Caracas, Cancun, Havana, New York (John F Kennedy), Santo Domingo, Buenos Aires, Salvador de Bahia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Lima
  • From New York (though you must also check-in at the airport for security reasons)
You can drop your baggage off at the check-in counter. Click here to check-in online.

Does Air Europa have mobile check-in?

Yes, you can check-in via your mobile device through the website or the Air Europa mobile application. Contact the airline to find out whether you can use an electronic boarding pass at the airport.

How much time should I allot at the airport?

For intercontinental flights, passengers should be at the gate 60 minutes prior to departure. For domestic and European flights, passengers should be at the gate 45 minutes prior to departure.