NIKI Check-in

Does flyNIKI have Online Check-in?

Yes, you can check-in online between 30 hours and 45 minutes before departure. This service is available regardless of where you purchased your ticket. You can check in yourself and up to 10 other people traveling with you. To check-in online, click here.

Can I use Online Check-in if I have to check baggage?

Yes, you can drop your bags off at the Baggage drop-off desk or the Check-in desk at the airport. For drop-off locations, click here.

Does flyNIKI have Mobile Check-in?

Yes, you can use aaccess your mobile boarding pass via email or SMS link at airports that allow mobile scanning. You must have a mobile phone with Internet access. Topbonus status customers with German and Austrian phone numbers can have their boarding pass sent by MMS. You can also access your boarding pass via Passbook or the airberlin app.

Airport Check-in Procedures

You can pick up your boarding pass at the Check-in desk before the check-in deadline free of charge, with the exception of JustFly passengers who must pay 15 euros. All passengers except JustFly passengers can print out their boarding pass at the Quick Check-in machine up to 45 minutes before departure.

When do I have to check-in?

For all check-in mediums, you must check-in before a specific time. Click here for a list of times based on airport location.