About SeatGuru.com
Company Overview
In October 2001, frequent flyer Matthew Daimler launched SeatGuru.com with a single color-coded interactive airplane seating chart. Having experienced firsthand the vast differences between airline seats, he was determined to collect this useful information and share it with other travelers. In 2007, SeatGuru was purchased by TripAdvisor, sharing the common goal of giving members the real scoop before they travel.
Over ten million visitors later, SeatGuru is the go-to resource for savvy flyers. From seatmaps to flight search, we do our best to make sure your journey is a smooth one.
With SeatGuru, you fly smarter.

Content & Community
At SeatGuru, we love travel, but we can't fly on every single plane. So we turn to you, our community, for the real truth on seat width, pitch, and comfort.
Through the "Submit Comments" button on each aircraft page, thousands of reviews have been added to the SeatGuru database by flyers who know a great seat when they sit in one. Our SeatGuru editors utilize these comments to maintain the accuracy of our airplane seat information and update the site with both community-submitted reviews and independent research.
Thank you—we smile every time we sit in a "green" seat.
For the Press
We always enjoy speaking and working with the media. If you're researching a story or have a question, please don't hesitate to contact us.